Top 5 Worst Airsoft Injuries - Gone Bad

Top 5 Worst Airsoft Injuries - Gone Bad

Worried almost whether airsoft volition hurt? Wondering how likely it is to be injured while playing airsoft?

We get information technology…no one wants to get hurt playing a sport, and you might take heard varying accounts of simply how painful airsoft can be.

The Orange Tip Tactical team is hither to gear up the record direct, and so proceed reading.

Proper protection is important to prevent injuries while playing airsoft.
Proper protection is important to foreclose injuries while playing airsoft.

Does Airsoft Hurt?

In short, yes…simply it's not that bad.

The amount of pain you lot may feel will depend on a lot of factors, such as your pain tolerance, altitude, clothing, weight of the BB, ability of the airsoft gun, and more.

First, call back pain is subjective — what we call a three out of 10, you lot might telephone call a seven out of 10 or vice versa. You know your ain pain tolerance, so programme accordingly.

A shot to the fingers is especially painful, and so many players opt for armored gloves.

We'd also like to point out that getting shot in the back is going to hurt a whole lot less than getting shot in the knuckles.

Sensitive parts, such as your hands, face, and throat, should be protected to prevent injury.

What Does Getting Striking with an Airsoft Gun Feel Like?

Information technology depends a lot on your protection and pain tolerance. But y'all will feel the hit.

It might experience like a pinch or a bee sting, peculiarly on bare skin or through thin clothing. It might feel more like a poke if y'all're shot through clothing or armor.

Airsoft BB wound

What Factors Make Airsoft Painful?

Like we mentioned, there's a lot of factors that can bear on the experience of being shot.

Your personal hurting tolerance and the location of the shot count a lot, but then does what you're being shot with and the altitude it comes from.

Protecting your face can prevent a lot of pain.
Protecting your confront can prevent a lot of pain.

FPS Rate

About airsoft guns clock somewhere between 200 and 400 FPS, or feet per 2d.

That means that a BB will travel up to 400 feet in a unmarried second. Apparently, the faster the BB, the harder information technology will hitting and the more it will sting.


The closer you are to the shooter, the harder the impact will exist. A shot at point-blank range may even cause modest haemorrhage, while shots at a altitude may not fifty-fifty sting.

Weight of the BB

There are a diversity of weights that BBs come in, and the weight of the BB volition touch on the strength of the bear on.

The bear upon force of BBs is measured in Joules, which is a measure out of kinetic energy. The more kinetic energy, the more ouch or even damage.

Airsoft BBs
Airsoft BBs come in dissimilar weights and sizes, which affects the way they experience.

For instance, an airsoft gun with a velocity of 370 FPS will fire a .20g BB that hits at 1.27 Joules — within the acceptable range for nearly U.S. airsoft matches.

That aforementioned gun firing a .40g BB volition hit at ii.86 Joules — a dangerous amount of kinetic energy and not acceptable in matches.

Clothing and Protection

At that place's a pretty big departure betwixt a BB striking bare peel and a BB hitting soft armor.

You lot may inappreciably feel a shot to an armored body part, merely you'll definitely notice the sting on bare skin.

Protective gear does a lot to dull the sting of airsoft BBs.

Some protection, like eye or confront protection, is required to play. Other protection, like trunk armor, groin protection, ear protection, and hand protection, is optional, simply definitely recommended.

Trips and Falls

Let'due south be honest, the majority of injuries in airsoft come from players bumping into things, tripping, falling, twisting ankles, and other injuries acquired by moving around the field.

Protect your knees and hands with pants and gloves, warm-up earlier hitting the field, and wait where you're going.

Falling during a match is easier than you think!

Can Airsoft Cause Permanent Injuries or Impale You?

Airsoft, like other physical sports, can crusade injury. Minor injuries that speedily fade are a part of airsoft gameplay, but what about more serious injuries? Can an airsoft gun be fatal?

Injuries tin can and do happen, by and large because safety equipment wasn't worn finer.

Airsoft mask no eye protection
Don't be this guy…protect your eyes!

If you're wondering why field staff and result organizers are and so strict on eye protection, it'due south because eye injuries are one of the more serious and more hands occurring injuries in airsoft.

Then, wear your eye-pro.

Information technology's also possible for airsoft BBs to break the skin, damage teeth, and crusade soft tissue or bone harm. Serious damage is pretty rare, and usually is due to using metal Bbs instead of plastic, fired from a 400-500 FPS gun at a close distance.

Airsoft BBs can leave some pretty nasty welts behind!
Airsoft BBs tin leave some pretty nasty welts behind!

Airsoft guns are not deadly, merely they can hands be mixed up with airguns or BB guns, which tin exist.

BB guns burn rounds at much higher velocities (one,200+ FPS) and employ metal BBs.

Airsoft guns and BB guns work similarly, so exist certain you know what you lot are purchasing, especially if buying online!

Multicolor Aisoft BBs
Multicolor Aisoft BBs

How to Brand Airsoft Less Painful

Hobbies should be fun, and if playing airsoft is more than painful than fun, you should change that. While you can't practise much about the guns and behaviors of others, you can protect yourself ameliorate.

Invest in Protective Gear

Heart protection is a must, just whether yous're using goggles or a face mask is upwardly to you lot.

A full-face mask, neck guard, plate carriers or soft trunk armor, a cup, padded gloves, ear protection, and other pieces of gear all tin can get a long mode towards making your game more comfortable.

Milsim airsoft players
This thespian is doing it correct.

You'll nonetheless feel the hits, simply it'll take some of the sting out of information technology.

Be a Practiced Actor

Now, we don't hateful that getting good at the game will make it hurt less. Existence a good role player means playing with respect for your boyfriend players and trying to avoid injuring them.

Milsim airsoft player
  • Never shoot from a distance of less than ten feet — only tell the other player you've hitting them.
  • Try to aim for body shots, and avoid shooting opponents in the face, head, or hands, if possible.
  • Switch to semi-auto, rather than blasting someone with a bunch of automatic BB burn down.
  • Don't have shots that you know will be also painful — information technology'due south just a game.


Playing airsoft can sting, but don't let information technology deter you lot from trying out this awesome sport. We're pretty sure you're going to find out that a few welts and bruises are worth all the fun.

Got whatever tips for new players looking to join airsoft? Share them in the comments beneath! New to airsoft? Check out our Elevation Tips for New Players.

Top 5 Worst Airsoft Injuries - Gone Bad

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